yupyup the concert was superb lah
andand i finally get to see MY BOY!
SYN is awesome!
MSHADOWS is handsome!
A7X is GREAT lah!
went with a whole grp of sec 3&4 guys
out of all of thm only knw
eray fareez zul
(supposing grp photo, but all the guys behind were distracted) 
they all were fun and caring
yupyup have to admit they were caring
but one thng i cant stand is the smoking D:
they smoke lyk cigarates are free
andand its super smelly ):
found another friend,
asyraf also hate the smell.
reached expo arnd 5
which is super late
cause tons of people are ardy thr
(see, the crowd/ diehard fans).JPG)
the whole entrance was filled with diehard fans lah
yupyup to keep evryone entertained
grp of ppl started to sing
andand evryone sing along too
quite nice and funny cause got ppl zao2xia1
arnd 7 plus,
it was v diff to get air
as evryone is pushing foward
squeezing one another
so the security had to do smth
wht they did was quite dumb lah
stand on top smth and ask evryone to move bck,
which we didnt and ppl arnd me started scolding the security
and evryone chanted
"fuck security"
super funny lah
aft we got through the gate,
we ran all the way to the stage area
and saw this dont knw wht bnd opening the concert for 1 damn hr
(boring bnd opening).JPG)
actual concert starts at 9
andand my view sucks lah ):
i dont care who's gonna read this:
i regreted gng for sectional on friday morning
was quite behind
(stage, waiting for A7X to come on stage)
aft all tt waiting
the actual thng finally happen!
songs tt are played:
critical acclaim
new song(dont knw wht title)
bat country
seize the day
SYN's solo
unholy confession
a little piece of heaven
yupyup first song was critical acclaim
once the song started
the angmos pushed evryone behind
and started their mosh activity D:
sadly, i was only 2 person away frm the mosh pit
were being push back and step on constantly ):
i was super high the whole while during the concert
andand halfway through,
the guys seems to be drifting further and further away
maybe its me tt is drifting away.
ohh well,
yupyup during syn's solo
fareez called me and ask me whr was i
i looked arnd evryone seems the same
except tt the guys were gone
but evn before i culd ans him,
the music started
culdnt evn hear myself speaking
the speakers were way too powerful
so, hangup.
anyways found thm aft the concert
they were only 3/4 people away frm me
yupyup here are sme pictures taken during the concert
(SYN's solo)
(the only photo tt have evryone of A7X inside).JPG)
i've shift-ed for arnd week plus
ok my new add:
blk 34 Whampoa West #07-7**
(the blk beside boonkeng MRT)
although it sound lyk sme country side place
but its not
its aft the ERP gantry ardy lor
to prove here's a photo
( i took this photo
myself :D )

i didnt really manage to take pictures while boxes were loaded onto the lorry
cause i was packing my thngs upstairs D:
btw, i've pack frm 6pm to 3am,
woke up and pack agn frm 630am 9am
some photos:
messy rm in the mist of packing

my perfect skill of wrapping the comp

halfway almost done

wht was left in my old rm

yupyup so aft a week plus living at town area,
its super convinent
2 kopitiam, market, Mcdonalds, KFC, prate hse
see food is avaliable evrywhr!
tts why i might grow fat ):
andand douby ghaut is lyk 5 mins away!
thngs to blog about
alotalot of thng wanna blog about
(*)move hse
(*)shawn bday
(*)a7x concert
(*)jumbo-ed at riverside
(*)midnight prata
(*)my dirty language these days
see alot right?
butbut cant blog it now
cause i want to sleep! D:
i ystd only sleep 2.5 hr leh!
so cant blame me for not blogging evrythng tday
all there's left to do is RUN!
exams are over :D
jack'splace-d with sam kf jolyn just nw
food is superb! :D
but we waited 30mins for our food! D:
currently packing all my stuffs
shifting tmr
will try to take photos and blog about it
btw, im unplugging my com later D:
hope tt i knw how to plug all the wires bck :x
PS: im super happy, idk why :D
PPS: you dont need a reason to be happy; but you need a reason to be sad!
PPPS: tc evryone!
lovelove janel :D
romeo, take me smewhr we can be alone
happy ending :D
'Marry me
you 'll never have to be alone
i love you and that's all
i really knowi talked to your dad
Go pick out a white dress
its a love story
just say yes'
i SCREWED evrythng
i am afraid i cant go for a7x concert ):
i screwed my social studies geography,
and tday chemistry
self righteousness is wearing thin
alrighty,chemistry is on thursday
and i haven evn touch my tb yet
plusplus i keep watching videos on youtube
idk why i keep watching videos of a7x
over and over agn
im so totally in love with thm
this gives me mre reasons to study hard
so i can go for the concert
but im too tired ):
maybe its just an excuse
i dont evn knw it myself :x
baptized in the river
i've seen a vision of my life
and i wanna be delivered
in a city was a sinner
i've done alot of things wrong
but i swear im a believer
like the prodigal son
i was out on my on
now trying to find my way bck hme
SAMMY: womanizer
JANEL: manizer
ZU: ahpeknizer
i love little girl's clip

we believe
there's a woman crying out tnight
her world has changed
she ask god why
her only son has died
and now her daughter cries
she cant sleep at night
downtown another day for all the suits and ties
another war to fight
there's no regards for life
how do they sleep at night
how can we make things things right
just want to make this right
we believe
in this love
we are all the same
human in all our ways and all our pain
so let it be
there's a love tt could fall down like rain
let us see
let the forgiveness wash away the pain
wht we need
no one really knw wht they are searching for
we believe
this world is crying for so much mre
so this world
is too much for you to take
just lay it down in front of me
i'll be evrythng you need
in evryway
mood: lethargic, hysteria
wake up :D
waking up frm super long hybernation
people have been visiting my blog.
i knw ok,
cause i can see tt the counter jumps,
and you all nvr tag ):
for not blogging for so long
i guess you guys shld knw the reason bah
i knw you might say im giving excuses
cause i came online, went gym malls and blahblahblah
but im blogging now ryte
evn though exams are NOT OVER!
entire week gng to stare at papers
and hope ans will flash across my mind
i got study ok,
but i hope it will whn my mind goes blank
im worried
im afraid tt i dont do well
im afraid tt i retain
im afraid tt i cant go for a7x concert
aft all the papers tt i've fight with,
i dont seems to have confidence at all ):
even though tallie keep asking me to
believe in him tt i can do it
its nt tt i dont believe him
its just tt
i screwed up both my geog and ss
so it might means cmi for combined humanities
i guess for now
i will just have to do my best bah
its ardy too late to unscrew smth tt is ardy over
ohh well,
GL to me for
EMATH and PHYSIC, tmrtmr
CHEMISTRY, tmrtmrtmrtmr
AMATH and LITERATURE, tmrtmrtmrtmrtmr
PS: wed is study day for me, paper tt day :D
PSS: tagtagtag/commentcommentcomment
PSSS: tc evryone, i love you all
PSSSS: im shifting hse on the nxt weekends :D