this post is filled with FOS photos
exit if you want!
amin huda
janel suffian jason
afiqah yanti karren
kinseng shufang
it was this day tt cause my 1.5cm blister D:
painful but at least i had fun!
i believe most of us did (:
supposingly to meet at kallang mrt station at 1200
thn leave for leisure park at 1210
sadly, it dragged till 1330 thn we left.
while waiting at kallang,
we saw this guy tt act as 'xiaolong' in 'police and thief'
he look quite handsome on tv right?
but he was nt tt appealing leh
though he is really tall
he got the chaolao bin
smeppl look good only on tv.
not lyk me,
look good anywhr!
lol ok tts my egoness
toilet shots (: :
bird and me
yanti bird me
while waiting for a super late person
we decided to take photos!
(look lyk sme girl-day-out hurr)

bought BBT thr and it SUCK BIG TYM!
for no reasons,
bird start hugging yanti's leg
iceskating! :D
the only full grp photo

many thanks to edna! :D

toilet shots agn! :

dumb bird, you're suppose to DAO!
nt act cute

me and yanti

went to the arcade to find those ppl tt had deprived childhood
bird yanti me went off earlier
dumb post
tagged by:
khaifang ivanarule1: People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
rule2: Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. Those people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending to other people.
1. What is your CCA ?
band2. Would you fall in love with a boy younger than you ?
maybe3. Do you enjoy going to school ?
depends on whts gng on tt day4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
i'll fly arnd the world to catch all of a7x concert! :D5. what is your current addiction?
a7x of cause!6. what hurt the most?
tt 1.5cm blister on my leg D:7. Would you dare confess to the one you love?
:o dont knw8. If the person you like secretly is attached, what would you do?
jealous ):9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy ?
yupyup (am i supose to name it out?)10. What makes you angry ?
irritating people11. what do you want to get out of currently?
secondary school12. what do you call your parents? (this is quite dumb WAAHAH!)
mommy, papa13. What is the most important thing in your life ?
currently is to make sure i pass my Os and GETOUT of secondary sch!14. Would rather be single and rich or married but poor ?
i rather be married and rich15. What is your favourite color ?
i dont feel lyk answering it but idk wht to replace it with D:16. Would you give all in a relationship ?
probably17. If you fall in love with 2 people simultaneously, who would you pick ?
who are the two?18. Would you forgive & forget a horrible thing that someone has done ?
how horrible is it?19. What do you want to tell the person you love ?
i love you dumbass20.What type of person will you fall in love with ?
the type tt looks lyk a guy and have lj (: LOL5 ppl who i tag:
D: shyt blisters!
clean nice fingers?

evrythng is paid for tnight
while at the party of the
dead dancing in the grave
the drinks here are free so relax
enjoy the sight of all the
dead dancing in their grave
im having hell blisters!
i feel lyk im miles away frm evryone
miles away frm earth
the emptiness and loneliness is killing me
why evn bother acting as if you all care
why evn bother calling me whn you have your friends
why evn bother saying 'hey, imissyou' whn the nxt moment you forget tt i evn exist
i guess i was too dumb to take in all the lies tt evryone blart out
save me GOD
swimswim legcramp
tday was quite a drag day
hot sun in the afternoon
super tired now
went swimming at ruth mortal's club
ruth(obviously), dajie, weiling, cow
had leg cramp halfway ):
cant stop laughing though im in pain
weird person hurr
vtired nw haven wask my clothes
feel like dumping it in the washing machine!
maybe the washing machine might get angry and eat my clothes up
thn if i try to open it,
it might bite off my hands too :O
thn i'll be left with one hand D:
this is getting random -_-
i shall stop my nonsense and go do wht im suppose to do
decided to use the washing machine
super small eyes ):

cool ehh?