O me! you juggler, you canker blossom,
you thief of love! wht, have you come by night
and stol'n my love's heart from him?
have you no modesty, no maiden shame,
no touch of bashfulness?
what will you tear
impatient answers from my gentle tongue?
fie, fie, you counterfeit, you puppet you!
ohh, literature! D:
WARNING: this is a cam-whired filled post
WEDDING DINNER at sheraton hotel
Ken&Ferlyn are the zhongdian ren
but smehow i didnt manage to catch thm on my phone! D:
so have to wait for the photos
frm the professional camera
to be developed and send to me!
if you're wondering why will it be send to me its because
ken is my cousin (:
SAT at the VIP table alright! :D
food was SUPERB! :D
drank almost 4 cups of this:

RedWine with 7-up
mommy & me

mommy & daddy & me (:

btw, i realized tt i have not updated about CNY visitings D:
well, photos of CNY will be up soon(: