chinese oral: screwed up
first i blurt out eng
second teacher treat me lyk an idiot
ask me 3 words in chi
lyk wht's table tennis is chi
whtevr i tried my best
on friday, 240409, arnd 1030,
my beloved phone got into FARID's hands
i dont blame him im the one who did wrong
he was just merely dng his job as a DM
this is how its happened
it was during chinese lesson
ms ji wasnt dng anythng
just marking sme students hmewrk
actually it doesnt make a diff if she's dng anythng or nt
yea if you knw wht i meant
so i took out my earpeice
plugged it into my ears and slept
just thn dear mrFarid stroll pass my class
and yea tts how i got caught
handed phone to him and GONE (:
maybe its a good thng tt he took my phone away
im vattatched to my phone
and nw i have to learn to survive without it for the weekends
i've no idea whn he'll return it to me
andand i heard tt he read msges
so for the tym being
think POSITIVE(:
you can do it janel(:
just stop complaining(:
watched FAST & FURIOUS 4 with my free bff
i knw im quite lag cause it came out for quite sme tym ardyyeayea it was great (:
Vin Diesel is HOT!
his muscles are lyk woh!
i love the part whr his car bang straight into tt bad black guy
i was laughing thn bff said tt i was v sadistic
i thnk tokyo drift was better
but it was great too :D
janel is happy
tmr will be a hardcore day ):
SS test AMATH test CHINESE oral
maybe oral will cause STD?
ohh well,
i want to let the whole world knw tt
best luck to me for tests tmr
i feel
hihi (:
i knw i haven been typing much on blog entries nowadays
this will probably be another short post
manymany thngs happened
thngs tt evryone knws
thngs tt i've told only few ppl
thngs tt no one knw
sme gave me no response and i wished tt i didnt tell her anythng
sme gave me serious comments which i really took it to heart
ohhwell, im just alittled confused now
wht im thnking and feeling is totally diff
smetyms i wonder if
you say ily just for the sake of saying it
or you really mean it deep frm ur heart
i knw myself better thn anyone else
once i fall into this bigbig entanglement
it wuldnt be an easy task to get myself out
love is contagious, do you believe it?
well i do
once i say ily
you knw i really mean it
sports day (:
credits to jolyn's camera :D

(: silver
photos with captions :D
otw thr, oiling valve :D

hi, mrkhoo (:


right aft we got out of the hall
a crowd hurr

waiting for results twist :D


my all tym fav bf, string bass (:

otw bck bwn, mixed emotions while resting

yeayea lets take off (:

dont toy with us D:

i look lyk a man if i cut spike right!

broad shoulders :D
superhuman for a day (:

i have an emo section

with evryone

at the park opp sch
ehh, wanna fly arh, become bird lor
:D twist!
big bear hugs x3