im so gonna dye/highlight my hair slivery white smeday whn i grow older alittle :D
in the airport,
mandy and uncle was kind enough to send us off (:
it used to be us sending mandy off and waiting for her arrival
whn she was still working in JAL
look at her long slim legs D:
(both of us about to slp in this photo)

2nd shot

mom mandy me (:
deprived childhood (:

same to mommy lol

our flight was supposed to takeoff at 1:15
thn it was first delayed to 2:30
alittle dissapointed
caused we planned to go to their weekend market
which only open during the weekend
(as the name suggest)
and closeshop arnd 6 plus
so was thinking since flight delayed abit only
maybe still got chance to go
went in the passport control thngy thn shop arnd at the duty-free part
walked to the gate area whn the gate was about to open
checked the screen for confirmation
thn saw the f-ing flight was furthered delayed to 4:40
mommy was damn angry D:
and thr goes my plan of gng tt weekend market D:
so patiently waited till 4 plus
take off

went to hotel
we reach the hotel at 9:30
damn tired D:
went grab sme food at 7-11
cause we were both lazy to travel to find nice food
end of day1
2nd day
went pratinum fashion mall
its smethng lyk the basement of fareast plaza in sg
but its far bigger and messier
clothes thr are cheap
but most of it are quite out
their fashion thr are much slower thn sg's
had kfc for lunch

went bck hotel put stuff
thn went to mbk
i wanted to buy FBT thr
but all those i saw are so diff frm sg's
and they dont sell those i wanted so a trip wasted
end of day2
went NARAYA at centralmall which we went on day2
but smehow missed the NARAYA shop
about quite alot of stuff thr
i super love the stuff thr (:
regretted not buying mre
lunched at shabushi
its sme steamedboat buffet
they had a little mixture of jap food
i had tomyam base
their tomyum soup was not spicy not sour :x
thn made our way to suanlum night market

end of day3
stuffs tt i bought frm bangkok
nt a vfruitful trip though

NARAYA stuff tt we bought (:

since bangkok is one of the affected areas,
i may nt be able to attend sch for the first 2days ):
if you're damn afraid tt you'll get the virus
and think tt a person wuld get the virus just by breathing bangkok air
you shld consider staying away frm me as i just came bck frm thr
but i knw tt im perfectly well
unless you consider skin peeling as one of the symptom
(which only person with low eq does)
blog song obviously doesnt depict my mood now
i feel insecure
evrytym i see the blog counter jumps
but no tags or traces of people tt passed by
now i dont evn feel knw who's reading my blog
it sme tym creeps me
whtevr i write now doesnt seems lyk myself
i used not to care who reads wht i rant
but now
i have many drafts which really had my feelings in thr
they're all kept safe
i wonder wht im now
wht lead to this
i suddenly feel so lost
lyk i wonder wht wuld i be lyk now
if i had picked the other options whn im allowed to choose
i thnk im regretting why i chose all these options tt lead to my current situation
thngs that happened whn i was only in primary 1
if i had chosen the other options
i might now evn have met all these ppl tt i both love and dis-love
no one in particular
actually i thnk im strting to regret why i chose all these
why i chose to strt this shyt whn i knw it'll need to end sme tym soon
i knw frm the beginning tt all of us wuld get hurt in the end
i proudly told my friends tt by getting into ths type of thngs
will obviously lead to being hurt
or prolly hurting others
i dont understand why
why i knw it deep in my heart tt smeone wuld be hurt
and yet i still insist on strting it
why ?
reflecting wuldnt lead to any soln
if reflecting can change the state im in now
i dont mindsitting thr and reflect the whole day
i dont knw wht's with me
seriously .
as im typing
im having goosebumps all over
mommy i dont wanna grow up
burnt D:

see my badly burnt back ):
shoulders too ):
i dont need your sympathy (:
sudden intense sadness
perfect old tyms
i was inspired to post these photos whn i saw freebie's fb
tt photo on freebie's fb
(10 08 07)

another sectional outting

imyvm zu
holidays in 5 mnths
i so very envy those kids out thr tt are having their holidayswhile this pathetic soul here have to
put on her sch uniform sch bag sch shoes
and head to nowhr but the sch
i love bearbear2
cause it has ur smell
i want to let the whole world knw tt you're damn heartless
to leave on tt day
ohhwell, tickets are booked
i'll forgive you
cause im a kind girl
chinese ordinary level is over
i hope i wuldt have to retake it i dont want to retake it
on tt day
i lost my bearbear1
i bought it lyk for 2hrs and i lost it
actually i wanted us to each have one
but sighs.
till now
needa reach church earlyearly tmr mrn
many LOVES to you
especially you
muacks :*