no one can judge me
only God can
cause you arnt any better
you're a sinner too
evryone have their own morning moodswing
so do i
if you thnk tt im rude whn i dont greet you
you're damn bloody wrong
i smile to evryone before i see you
the sight of your buang face makes me PUKE
i use to be loved drunk
but now im hungover
i'll love you forever
forever is over
i dont believe in forever
thr's no forever
so dont tell me you'll love me forever
evryone's love will change
only God's doesnt
(: x10
hey bytch!
grab your camera and start clicking!
14 mre weeks
have been busy recently
tons of tests and hmewrk
btw if you have talked to me on msn
you wuld knw that my spacebar is dwn
using onscrn keyboard to type space
hope to get a new one soon
guai-looking typical sch girl
can be nasty
smetym hideous
and smetym sad
this post is FOS
happy birthday boy

synyster's birthday tday (:i love you boy
its over
finished my chinese oral tday
topic was on plastic surgery
the examiner ask about the 后果
thn i said lyk earth will be lacking of real appearance ppl
lyk evryone would be fake and plastic
didnt really express myself well
thn the male examiner laugh
lyk fuck?
funny meh
reading passage was quite alright
but due to nervousness
felt tt i kinda screwed it up
but thnking bck,
thr's not a single chinese oral
tt i've nvr screwed up before
im alright (:
its over nth to regret about
final part for chinese is LC
shld be quite alright bah
hope the LC part can save me
final chance
yay im done (:
anyways tboard taken away
just click the comment at the end of evrypost to comment (:
off to study
in the process of changing blog layout
maybe cant finish it tday
needa finish up hmewrk
bck to sch tmr
cheers (: